Fife Lake Area Planning Commission Public Hearing and Special Meeting
October 25, 2022
6:30 pm
Fife Lake Area Planning Commission
Tuesday, October 25th, 2022 at 6:30 pm
The Fife Lake Area Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at a special meeting on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022 at 6:30 pm at the Fife Lake Township Office, 134 Morgan Street, Fife Lake, MI 49633. The purpose of the public hearing is to gather public input on proposed amendments to the Fife Lake Township Zoning Ordinance that would rezone the parcels located at 6881 US 131 (parcel 04-001-008-02) and 6875 US 131 (parcel 04-001-008-05) to correct an apparent error in the township zoning map that shows the parcels zoned commercial instead of industrial, and to review the entire zoning map to ensure no other errors exist.
The Fife Lake Township Zoning Ordinance including the current Zoning Map is available at or upon request to Fife Lake Township in person at 134 Morgan Street, Fife Lake; by mail at PO Box 87, Fife Lake, MI 49633; by phone at (231) 879-3963; or by email to the Fife Lake Area Planning Commission at
Written comments regarding the ordinance amendments will be accepted until October 25, 2022 at 5:00pm at the Fife Lake Township Office attn. Fife Lake Area Planning Commission by mail or during regular office hours at134 Morgan Street, Fife Lake. Please note that comments received after October 21, 2022 may not be included in planning commissioner’s meeting packets and, therefore, may not be read prior to the meeting.
You may contact the Fife Lake Area Planning Commission at or in writing at Fife Lake Township c/o Planning Commission,134 Morgan Street, PO Box 87, Fife Lake, MI 49633 or to the Village of Fife Lake c/o Planning Commission, 616 Bates, P.O. Box 298, Fife Lake MI 49633. Fife Lake Area Planning Commission meeting info and documents can be found at