Monthly Township Board Meeting 08-24-2023
August 24, 2023
6:00 pm
Fife Lake Township
Regular Monthly Board of Trustee Meetings
All meetings begin at 6 p.m. every fourth Thursday with the exception of the November and December meetings which fall on the third Thursday.
Fife Lake Township Hall
134 Morgan Street
Fife Lake, MI 49633
(231) 879-3963
Fife Lake Township Monthly Board Meeting: August 24, 2023 – 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- Also Present
- Approval of Agenda
- 5. Conflict of Interest
- Consent Calendar
The purpose of the Consent Calendar is to expedite business by grouping non-controversial items together to be dealt with by one board vote without discussion. Any member of the Board, staff or the public may ask that any item on the Consent Calendar be removed and placed elsewhere on the agenda for full discussion. Such requests will be automatically respected. If an item is not removed from the consent calendar, the action is approved by a single Board action adopting the Consent Calendar.
- Minutes- Monthly Board: July 27, 2023
- Financial Report
- Transfers
- Bills to be Paid
- Correspondence
- Citizen Comment*
- Guests
- County Commissioner – Darryl Nelson
- Sheriff Department – Deputy Christopher Whetstone
- Ambulance/Fire/Emergency Planning – Nicole Gibson – Scott Tinker
- Fife Lake Village – Tom Hempsted
- FLAUA – Leigh Gifford
- Zoning – Robert Hall
- Planning Commission – Dawn Zimmerman
- Civic Center South – Gerianne Street
- a. Zoning Admin Contract Renewal
- Insurance Renewal
- Election
- Street Light for Elliott and US-131
- Hunting on Township Land
- Round-a-bout lights
- Road Name off Hodge Road
- Historical Society Fire Barn
- Fire Barn Garage Doors
- Milfoil Contract
- Fire Barn Roof Color
- Behind Hall Cleanup
- Sexton Contract
- Citizen Comment*
- Adjournment
*All meetings are open to the public – Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes
Fife Lake Township meetings are on audio August 24, 2023 meeting
Actual Meeting Agenda Documents:
Meeting Agendas and Special Notices: