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Special Meeting Notice

This event has ended


The Fife Lake Township Board will hold a Special Meeting at the Fife Lake
Township Hall, 134 Morgan St, Fife Lake or YouTube
7/2/2024 at 9:00am
Supervisor Lisa Leedy, Clerk Leigh Ann Gifford,
Treasurer Cathy Sorrow, Trustee Dawn
Zimmerman, Trustee Jayme Werner
Meetings have audio/video recorded and available on YouTube @FifeLakeTownship

1 Call to Order
2 Pledge of Allegiance
3 Roll Call
4 Conflict of Interest
5 Approval of the Agenda
6 Citizen Comment*
7 Old Business
a 2023-24 Budget Transfers/Amendments
(+Wage overages from approved wages)
b Cleaning Staff classification
c FLAPC Financials
d Bills to pay
e Update investment policy
8 New Business
b Auditor RFP
9 Citizen Comment*
10 Other Business
11 Board Member Updates/Comments
12 Adjournment



*Public/Citizen Comment–
Any person wishing to address the Board may state their name and address and provide a comment form to the recording secretary. Persons may address the Board on matters or issues which are relevant and germane to township government. No person shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same matter. The Chairperson shall control the amount of time each person shall be allowed to speak, which shall not exceed three (3) minutes. The Chairperson may, at their discretion, allow an additional opportunity or time to speak if determined germane and necessary to the discussion.
The Board shall not comment or respond to a person who is addressing the Board. Silence or non-response from the Board should not be interpreted as disinterest or disagreement by the Board. Please be respectful and refrain from personal or political attacks. Fife Lake Township meetings (audio and video) are broadcast on our YouTube Channel @FifeLakeTownship


Look Here for Agendas

Original Document Link