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Tag: bids

Snow Plowing Bids Being Accepted


Fife Lake Township is taking snow plow bids for the
2023-2024 season. Sealed Bids will be taken until
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 by 3:00 p.m. Sealed bids
will be open at the Fife Lake Township regularly
scheduled Board meeting November 16, 2023. For
further details, see our office personnel or website.
Leigh Gifford, Clerk
Posted: 10/28/2023

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Bid Specifications

Snow Plow Bid Specifications For Fife Lake Township
134 Morgan Street, Fife Lake, MI

1. Lot needs to be plowed when there are 4 inches of snow or more. Bid must reflect
a per-plow dollar amount. Ambulance and fire bays must be shoveled and cleared.
2. Plowed area around the Township Hall, Fire Barn and Ambulance Bay must be
Cleaned by 8:00 a.m. seven days a week because of emergency equipment access. The
emergency service bay access may need to be hand-shoveled at times.
3. While this bid does not specify maximum accumulation, it does include payment per
plowing for the days when there are multiple events of 4 inches or more of snow, or
should the Township call for slush or ice removal.
4. Bid must include the amount to be charged for application of salt/sand provided by
the bidder.
5. Each bidder must include a copy of their liability insurance coverage with their bid
documents, listing the Fife Lake Township as additionally insured.
6. Each bidder must have and/or provide an alternate source of snow removal in the
event of equipment failure. State in the bid document what alternative(s) you have.
7. Failure to meet #6 above will allow the Township to seek another snow removal
provider, at their discretion, to have the plowing completed in a timely manner.
8. Inspection of the area to be plowed and locations for accumulated snow may be viewed
at 134 Morgan Street, Fife Lake or questions may be answered by calling the office at
the number listed at the top of this page.
9. Please include the price for accumulated snow removal, please state such ability in your
bid statement. Also include your plan for removal.
10. All bids for consideration must be SEALED and submitted in writing to: Leigh Gifford,
Fife Lake Township Clerk, P.O. Box 8, Fife Lake, MI 49633. Or place in drop box at the
Township Hall, 134 Morgan Street, Fife Lake, Mi. Any questions please call 231-879-3963
or Fax 231-879-3146.
11.Fife Lake Township is not responsible for delivery of bids by the due date. It is the
bidders responsibility to ensure a timely response

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